New Champion!
New Champion!

Welcome to Shoreham Ringcraft Club

We are a friendly club of like-minded people who meet up once a week to train our dogs for the show ring and socialise.

We aim to provide good training in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere for you and your dog to prepare for the show ring.

As well as weekly classes, we hold monthly matches for our members, varying our judges as much as possible, and a Dog of the Year competition.

We are affiliated with The Kennel Club, and have trainers with many years experience in the world of showing dogs.

Shoreham Ringcraft Club Xmas Party 2018
Shoreham Ringcraft Club Xmas Party 2018

When & where we meet

We hold classes on every Monday evening, starting at 7:15pm.

St Michael & All Angels Church Hall
Church Lane
BN42 4GD

Parking at the hall is limited to the spaces on the right-hand side as you go in through the gates. There is also plenty of parking on the streets.

On no circumstances can we park anywhere else in the grounds, and never on the grass.

Please adhere to these parking rules, or we may lose the venue.

Become a Member

Only members can handle dogs at club events.

There is an annual charge of £5 for membership, and the weekly training sessions cost £3.

All training sessions must be booked and paid for in advance. You can book on the club’s Facebook page, through Messenger, or by email up to 5.30pm on the day of the class.

To join, simply contact the secretary at, who will reply with details and instructions.

Club Rules

  • Dogs with Challenge Certificates, or any award which goes towards the title of Champion, may not compete in our matches. However, all dogs (including Champions) are welcome to come and train on normal training nights.
  • Under the terms of the club’s insurance, only fully paid up members can handle dogs on training and match nights.
  • Please do not bring bitches in season to any Club event.
  • Please do not come to the Club if any of your dogs are ill with kennel cough, stomach bugs, etc.
  • Please keep your dog under control while you are at the club.

Click here for the full official club rules

Officers & Committee

President: Maritza (Mitzi) Morrison

Affix: Lewisisle Granted on the 1st July 1979

I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of the Shoreham Ringcraft Club for their kind invitation to take over the position of President, after the very sad loss of Sue Garner their previous President. Sue was a lovely lady who I had known for many years, so it is an honour to take over from her.

I started my showing career by attending the Shoreham Ringcraft Club when it was run by June Walsh in the local Methodist Hall in Shoreham back in 1978 with my Clancey and Solo. I then went onto serve on the Durrington Community Ringcraft Club committee for 8 years, then became their Treasurer and ended up as their secretary up to end of 1983. Next, I joined the committee of the Southern Cavalier Club for three years, then became the Club Secretary for 6 years, retiring in May 1996. In 1994 I became a committee member for Worthing & DCS and served for 2 years, before becoming the Club Secretary in February 1996. I am now sadly closing the Worthing & DCS after it has been running for nearly 75 years. Back in 2022 I was asked to rejoin the committee of the Southern Cavalier Club and now hold the position of Vice Chairman. Also, I was asked to join the committee of the Crystal Palace Association back in 2022, so kept busy with lots of committee work.

I have owned, bred, shown and judged Cavalier King Charles Spaniels since 1978, and awarded my first set of CCs at Windsor CH Show in June 2006 and have awarded CCs now six times. My first judging appointment was back in 1983 for the Barnet and Hatfield Society judging Cavaliers and since then have judged them all over the country plus also judging various Groups and BIS’s. Also, I have had the privilege of judging overseas, judging Cavalier breed shows in Canada and Norway, but also, I have been lucky to have judged several different breeds in Latvia, Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Iceland, Sweden which has been an enjoyable experience.

My mother and I had our first Cavalier litter in November 1983 specialising in black and tans and rubies. We have been lucky to have breed BIS, RBIS, BPIS, RBPIS Open Show winners, 13 Stud book winners and owned 3 more, several CH winners and several Open Show BOB, and BP winners over the years. We have been very proud of our little team of Cavaliers over the years, but it all started with the help of Shoreham Ringcraft Club helping us with the training of our Cavaliers over the years. Also, I steward for a several local Championship and Open shows and enjoy it very much. So, it shows what can happen when you start training and learn how to show your dog at Shoreham Ringcraft Club, little did I know what would happen 46 years later when I started in 1978.

Chairman: Bridget Meads (Jasbri)

Bridget is our main trainer and currently organises the Ringcraft Sessions which we currently hold.

I was born into dogs, as my parents were founder members of Worthing & District C. S.   My earliest showing experience was at the age of 4, showing Borzois!  I have shown for most of my life and although my first love was my miniature poodle, whippets have been my constant love.   As well as showing in my breed,  I enjoy teaching and showing in handling classes.  For the last few years, I have been involved in Therapy Dogs Nationwide where we “share the love”,  give comfort and confidence, and educate youngsters about animal welfare and safety.

Treasurer: Pauline Langridge (Calicoe)

Pauline shows beautiful Wire Dachshunds at Open & Championship Shows.  A breed which I believe she has been involved with for many years.  Paulines skills with handling her breed are helping other Shoreham members in the show ring. At Club, in addition to her duties as Treasurer, Pauline helps with collecting subs and Match Entries.  She also helps with the training/handling.

Hon. Secretary: Elaine Ward (Pyennebeare/Pipparel)

I have owned dogs for over 45 years.  I’ve taken part in Agility, Obedience, Heelwork to Music and KC Good Citizen Dog Scheme to Silver Level.  I’ve owned, bred, shown black miniature poodles for many years, under the Pyennebeare and now the Pipparel affix.  I am passionate about my breed and helping new Poodle owners to get started in the show ring gives me enormous pleasure and satisfaction. I have competed with my dogs at Open and Championship shows.  In 2019 I’m delighted to say that my first Champion was crowned!   I am on the Poodle Council Breed Judging (B) list as a breed specialist in all 3 sizes of Poodles.   I serve as Hon Secretary of West Chiltington Cavaliers, in addition to my duties with Shoreham.  I’ve been a member of Shoreham Ringcraft Club for more than 25 years.  I often help with the handling on Club nights and keep this website up-to-date, in addition to meeting & greeting and collecting subs and match entries.

General Committee

Kate Popple. Kate owns a rescue Dalmatian who is a therapy dog and a Parson Jack Russell Terrier. Kate trains Ringcraft and handling for West Chiltington Cavalier Club and is also the KCGCDS Representative there. Kate is also involved with therapy dogs, doing invaluable work with Canine Concern. She has been a member of Shoreham Ringcraft for over 25 years and has served on our Shoreham Committee for a great number of years. She has shown Whippets for a friend and Shelties. Kate maintains the club’s noticeboard and helps with training from time to time. She also organises the games for our fun events, which are very much enjoyed by all.

Janine Naunton. Janine has been a member of Shoreham Ringcraft for some years. She is a dog groomer. Janine shows and breeds Welsh Springer Spaniels. She also shows her mother’s affenpinscers (Bow & Winnie), and has also owned Whippets. Currently she has a Whippet puppy called Orca. Janine is much valued as a member of the Committee.

Carolyn Wood. Carolyn has been attending the club for a number of years with her Weimaraners (Lyra and River), and will be training her new Hungarian Vizsla puppy (Juno). Carolyn has become a valued part of the Committee and the training team at Shoreham.

Laura Piper. Laura has been attending the club for some time with her Mini Wire Haired Dachshunds (William & Etta). Laura is also a valued part of the training team as well as a hardworking member of the Committee.

Tracy Robinson. Tracy owns Whippets and has been a member of Shoreham Ringcraft for many years. Tracy is also a dog groomer. She takes part in a variety of events with her whippets and is a valued member of the Committee

Cheryl Sutherland. (Carnlochan)

I was brought up with dogs from a very young age, having cocker spaniels at my grandparents house, who we lived with.

My first love for HPR Gun Dogs was when I was a dental nurse back in the 1970s and my lady dentist got a Weimaraner which I fell in love with and since, I have had two boys, one a rescue and one from a Puppy. Then the breeder of my Weimaraner started breeding Hungarian Vizslas – I just had to have one, which has, subsequently led me onto my show life here and in Europe. On gaining stud book numbers here and making up one of my girls into an International Show Champion and my eldest a Belgian Veteran Champion, and numerous wins at Open Shows and Championship Shows and attending Crufts every year and gaining places.

I have bred six litters over the past 20 years, carefully selecting healthy, tested bloodlines and Champions to compliment my girls and always to keep a new pup for the show ring. I am passionate about this breed and take great interest in breeding healthy, happy dogs, fit for function. When people ask me “Is breeding easy?” I always say “No, it is complex and always risky”, as I have experienced the good and the very bad sides of it. The unexpected can always happen and you have to be prepared for it in knowledge and signs, but when the end product arrives, it brings a relief and lots of smiles, knowing you have given it your all.


A few links to some websites that you may find helpful.

  • Fosse Data. Dog show schedules, results and online entries
  • Higham Press. Dog show schedules, results and online entries
  • The Kennel Club. Up to date information and guidance on dog showing and other dog matters

Contact us

If you need to contact us, use this form to contact the secretary, Elaine Ward


We have a thriving community on Facebook for our paid up members, where we share all our news and members wins.